In her book Time to Think Nancy Kline identifies freeing the mind of ‘untrue limiting assumptions, lived as true’ as one of the ten behaviours that generate the finest independent thinking which she calls Ten Components of a Thinking Environment.
In this Time Magazine article Matthew Barxum explores Mary Parker Follett’s work: There Is a Better Way to Use Power at Work. This Forgotten Business Guru Has the Secrets
Simon Sinek’s book Infinite Game includes has some helpful stories to help recognise when finite thinking can kick in. Watch Simon discuss the books premise here: The Infinite Game: How to Lead in the 21st Century
Change the workplace, change the world – this book by Alan Watkins and Nick Dalton explores a series of different world-views and the importance of communicating with people based on their world-view. On pages 171-175 it gives some helpful tips on how to do this – meeting them where they are at.
Three Horizons – The Patterning of Hope – Bill Sharpe – provides a framework for helping to think about the future which can be an interesting approach to build into workshops on purpose. This short article also explains the framework: The Three Horizons of Innovation and Culture Change