Engaging the leadership – exploring questions and dilemmas

Becoming purpose-led cannot be forced on people or an organisation. People will be convinced for their own reasons that becoming purpose-led can create a better business that is also better for society and better for people, not someone else’s. Hence allowing time and space for people to share different perspectives, speak openly, raise questions and dilemmas is crucial. This is especially important for leadership teams.

In this course we:

  • Discuss engaging the leadership and share practical advice on how to go about this
  • Explore some of the questions and dilemmas that typically emerge – not to force a view but to enable a deeper dialogue and provide a helpful framing

Time commitment:

25 – 30 minutes to read

Additional time will be needed for the exercises and questions at the end and to explore the additional content in the Resources section.

The Resources section includes a pack of workshop formats we have used to engage leadership and other teams.