The Knowledgebase
Drawing on what we are learning from our work with business, we created a Knowledgebase to help you to incorporate Blueprint’s thinking and approach into your work.
Explore the Knowledgebase
There is no one size fits all solution, no template to become a ‘purpose-led’ organisation and the journey is rarely linear. But to facilitate the practical application of Blueprint – how do I use it? – we have developed an illustrative journey that can help you to understand what might be involved.
This Knowledgebase provides access to resources to help guide an organisation on this journey, drawing on our thinking and what we are learning from our work.
The content is arranged in four sections which follow the four phases in this journey:
Raise an awareness of what the world needs and what the business could become if it was purpose-led.
This section explores in detail Blueprint’s view of what it means to be purpose-led, the thinking behind our approach and the provenance behind this thinking.
Build a shared understanding of what it means to be purpose-led and what it implies for the future of the business.
This section explores assumptions and beliefs and how to build a shared understanding of what it means to be purpose-led – in particular with senior leadership teams.
Articulate a purpose which acts as a ‘north star’, guiding strategy and decision making.
This section explores how to articulate a purpose that is inspiring, authentic & practical and start to create a link between purpose and strategy and avoid purpose wash.
Create an environment in which the purpose can come to life.
This section explores the critical work that brings purpose to life and ensures a business is purpose-led in practice including strategy, culture, governance and how to assess progress to aid learning and inform strategy.
Note: Following user feedback we have removed the need to create a login to access the content in the Knowledgebase.
Who is this for?
– Practitioners in businesses of all sizes who want to help their organisations to be purpose-led
– Coaches, consultants and advisers to business who want to help their clients to be purpose-led
– Anyone passionate about purpose-led business
Whilst the content is primarily aimed at business, our thinking and approach is relevant to all types of organisation.
How do I use this?
The Knowledgebase is not intended to be a prescriptive step by step guide to becoming purpose-led – but provides access to resources that help provoke a different way of thinking and to challenge the assumptions that inform behaviours and decision making.
The courses in the Inspiration section explain in detail Blueprint’s view of what it means to be purpose-led, the thinking behind our approach and explores the provenance behind this thinking. The other three sections discuss the practical application of this thinking, drawing on what we are learning from our work.
There is no ‘right’ place to start – you can approach it by going through each of the courses in turn but you can also go to the courses related to areas you are specifically interested in and use it as a resource.
Blueprint is a UK registered independent charity whose purpose is to create better society through better business. Our work is a public good and we encourage anyone to use it widely. Thus, access to all of the resources in our Knowledgebase is free and publicly available on our website – all we ask is that you reference Blueprint if you use specific tools or workshops.
As an independent charity we rely on donations to make our work possible we therefore welcome ‘fair-use donations’ trusting any for-profit or not-for-profit entity that benefits financially or otherwise from using our work, to make a fair-use donation. This will really help us to continue our work.
If you would like to support our work with a voluntary donation you can do so here. If you’d like to donate via bank transfer and/or would like a receipt for your donation please contact:
Contact Us
We are constantly seeking to improve the Knowledgebase to make it as useful as possible and we welcome your feedback. Please send this to:
Contact us: The Knowledgebase is a new venture for us and we are beta testing its application. We would like to make it as useful as possible and we welcome your feedback. Please send this to: