Soulla Kyriacou

Soulla Kyriacou


Soulla joined Blueprint in December 2012 and together with our CEO, has helped to grow Blueprint from an initiative that was launched with a conference looking at how corporate purpose and personal values could be united to serve society, to an independent charity that is engaged with a growing number of major global companies.

As well as overseeing the operations of Blueprint, Soulla runs workshops for teams in large corporates, manages a network of coaches and consultants to business and leads a number of other projects.

Soulla is a trained coach who was previously a director at KPMG. Initially a tax professional, having previously worked for the Inland Revenue, her 20 year career at KPMG changed course following a 4 year secondment to KPMG’s International Headquarters in Amsterdam, when she moved into a series of management roles including working with KPMG’s Client Service Board, working with the UK Head of Tax and with the Global CEO to help implement change projects across KPMG worldwide.